Pet Emergencies
Find treatment fast.
We are a general practice veterinary hospital. If you have an animal emergency, Pittsfield Veterinary Hospital provides on-site emergency care for our regular clients during business hours if we have not reached our capacity for the day (see hospital hours below). If you are not currently a regular client and your pet has an emergency, please call our office to check for availability or call an emergency hospital below:
Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Hospital - South Deerfield
141 Greenfield Rd, South Deerfield, MA 01373
P: (413) 665-4911
Upstate Veterinary Specialties
152 Sparrowbush Rd, Latham, NY 12110
P: (518) 783-3198
If you suspect or know that your pet has eaten or been exposed to a toxic substance or product, contact your veterinarian, or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.
6 Things You Should Know in Case of an Emergency with Your Pet
- Pittsfield Veterinary Hospital's phone number (413-499-1580) and location.
- Contact one of two highly qualified emergency hospitals (see above)
- ASPCA Poison Control number (888-426-4435*).* a fee may apply
- How to perform basic CPR on your pet
- How to stop bleeding/apply a basic pressure wrap
- How to muzzle your pet (to keep an injured pet from biting you)
If you have an after-hours emergency, we encourage you to call our direct line at (413) 499-1580. Depending on your location, our call center will refer you to one of two highly qualified specialty hospitals below: